If your clients encounter unexpected obstacles when paying your firm, you can expect delayed or decreased cash flow.
Speeding up your firm’s flow of payments starts with optimizing the client experience. Watch the on-demand webinar to learn how to make the process frictionless from start to finish.
We’ll show you how to catch up with your client’s expectations and outpace your old cash or check payment methods with tips on:
You have the power to create a truly frictionless payment experience.
James is Rocket Matter's Growth Specialist who has helped dozens of firms incorporate CRM best practices into their firm's intake process and is passionate about finding solutions for law firms that streamline their practice. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, he moved to Denver, Colorado in 2014, with heavy interests in the outdoors, music, traveling, and music.
Erica Birstler is the Vice President of Product Communications at ProfitSolv, the parent company of Rocket Matter. ProfitSolv delivers the right software products for law firms and other professional service industries to allow them to be more efficient and achieve greater profitability.
Erica's degree is in Business Administration and she has nearly a decade of experience in the legal software industry, catering to the specialized technology needs of small to mid-sized law firms. Erica has given numerous presentations across North America on legal technologies such as law practice technology management, cloud computing, and legal billing & trust accounting compliance.
Erica Birstler is the Vice President of Product Communications at ProfitSolv, the parent company of CosmoLex. ProfitSolv delivers the right software products for law firms and other professional service industries to allow them to be more efficient and achieve greater profitability. Erica's degree is in Business Administration, and she has nearly a decade of experience in the legal software industry, catering to the specialized technology needs of small to mid-sized law firms. Erica has given numerous presentations across North America on legal technologies such as law practice technology management, cloud computing, and legal billing & trust accounting compliance.
Adam Holden is the Director of Sales for LexCharge. In this role, Adam works with all our legal clients in helping them establish their payment processing programs.
See how Rocket Matter can help make your life a whole lot easier.
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